In 1984, TBWA helped launch Apple’s first Macintosh personal computer with the iconic “1984” commercial. In 1997, TBWA once again disrupted traditional advertising with the “Think Different” campaign. As the Apple brand grew, the need for a confidential, creative incubator with a dedicated team focused solely on game-changing work became more evident.
In 2006, TBWA\Media Arts Lab was born. Today, Media Arts Lab has seven dedicated global offices and 20 network offices around the world. Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Media Arts Lab is housed in a unique 50,000 square foot space, hidden in plain sight from the outside world.
TBWA\Media Arts Lab is part of the TBWA Worldwide network. TBWA Worldwide ( is a top ten ranked global advertising network that holds Disruption® at its core to develop business-changing ideas for the brands it works with.